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This is a website of Garden Railroading from Jemison, Alabama. A bit of credit is due George Schreyer for the vast information about Garden Railroading at his website. These pages will document and share experiences of our initial trek into electric model trains starting in 2011.(subdomain)

G-Scale Railroading

We (my wife and I) were first inspired into garden railroading from seeing our first garden railroad in action at the Botanical Gardens in Huntsville Alabama. Visit their website and see but you just can't get the full benefit of how fascinating it is unless you see this, or one like it, in person. We had to later return home and figure out what the various scale sizes were and which size it was that we wanted if we were to mimic the one we saw. The evolved monicker "G Scale" would better be called "G Gauge" since the only constant about it is the width of the rail spacing. Anything called G-Scale or Garden Scale or Garden Railroad or anything similar always has rail spacing from inside to inside of rail heads of 45 mm or 1.772 inches. The actual scale varies because various different size trains have been modeled so that their wheel spacing is 45 mm to allow them to run on the G Gauge track. You will see 1:20.3, 1:24, 1:25 and more all modeled to run on the track spacing of 45 mm. Since the rail spacing is constant, all these different scale trains, collectively called Garden Railroads, can run on the same track.

Gardening at a Model Railroad

Having completed our State's extension service course in gardening, we had been dubbed "Master Gardeners" with a certificate to prove it. What better combination of interests than our already established keen interest in gardening with the added spice of a new adventure into railroading. There is a mystic appeal to the mechanical intricacy of a train meandering through the natural wonders of a garden. So, these webpages document our stumbling into the realm of Garden Railroading. From what we find on the web, the train side of the hobby is more well documented than the gardening side. We'll try to be sure and give equal voice to the gardening side to bring the hobby into balance.